The world is certainly not without conflict.
as people we all have the responsibility to be respectful to others and the power to overcome these conflicts.
One of the best ways to show respect towards people who are different than you is
by using correct terms.
With that in mind I thought we could use today`s blog to look at some English terms used by the major world religions.
自分と違う相手に敬意を示す一つの方法として その人々の正しい呼称を知るというものがあると思います。
というわけで 世界のメジャーな宗教で使われる様々な呼称を 今回のブログでは紹介したいと思います。
Let`s start here in Japan with Shinto.
A shrine is a Shinto place of worship,
and in English we use the term Shinto priest to talk about the man who officiates ceremonies at the shrine.
Shrine-神社 が参拝所ですね。
Shinto priest-が神主さん
A Buddhist place of worship is usually called a temple.
Buddhist temples can look very different in different parts of the world.
People who shave their heads and devote their life to Buddhism are called a monk if you are a man or a nun if you are a woman.
Temple-寺 が参拝所
Monk-がお坊さん 僧
Nun-が 尼さん です。
The words priest, monk and nun are also used in Catholic Christianity.
In Protestant Christianity people use minister, reverend or the more informal preacher
to talk about the leader of a congregation.
In both Catholic and Protestant Christianity the congregation usually worships at a church,
although in Europe sometimes there are huge churches called cathedrals.
上記に上げた priest, monk and nun はキリスト教のカトリックでも使われます。
プロテスタントでは minister, reverend preacher 等と言った言葉で牧師さんのことを呼びます。
カトリック、プロテスタント、両方の宗派で礼拝をとりおこなうのは church- 教会ですね。
ヨーロッパでは Cathedrals―大聖堂と呼ぶ大きな宗教建造物があります。
A Jewish place of worship is called a synagogue,
and the leader of a synagogue is called a rabbi.
Judaism and Christianity have a shared history and many things in common.
Sometimes when talking about things that the religions have in common people use the term Judeo-Christian.
ユダヤ教の礼拝所は synagogue, と呼ばれます。
そして取り仕切る人は rabbi.と呼ばれます。
ユダヤ教およびキリスト教の両方と歴史的に関連している様を Judeo-Christian. と呼ぶこともあります。
Another religion that has a shared history with Judaism and Christianity is Islam.
There are two main groups within Islam–Sunni and Shia.
For both groups, the place of worship is called a mosque.
For Sunni Muslims the person who is the leader of the mosque is called an imam.
For Shia Muslims an imam is a religious leader, but also has a role in the government of a country.
どちらのグループにとっても礼拝所は Mosque です。
シーア派にとってのimamとは 宗教上の指導者としての意味合いだけではなく 政府の要人としての地位もあります。
Hinduism is a very diverse religion that originated in India.
A Hindu place of worship is called a temple.
The word priest is sometimes used at a Hindu temple.
In other forms of Hinduism a guru is a person who guides people in religious studies.
A very customary Hindu greeting is when people say Namaste while bowing slightly with their hands clasped together.
The origin of Namaste is Sanskrit, and it can be translated as “I bow to the divine in you.”
ヒンズー教の礼拝所はtemple temple で
ヒンズー教徒は挨拶をするときに軽く会釈をしながら両手を合わせ 「Namaste」と言います。
サンスクリット語が発祥のこの「Namaste」は 「あなたの内なる神にごあいさつ申し上げます。」 というような意味です。
I hope that you have learned something new from this blog post.
Remember, if you don`t understand something about a foreign culture
the most polite thing to do is ask a question about it.
Namaste, ナマステ Brian