Hit the Gym-ヒット・ザ・ジムといってもジムに殴り込むわけではありません。
I noticed that a lot of English textbooks talk about exercise, but not many cover terms you would encounter when you go to a gym.
As you can see in the title of this blog, “hit the gym” is a slang expression for “go to the gym.” It is also worth noting that gym has two meanings in English.
Gym can be the shortened version of gymnasium (体育館), which is the building at a school where students take P.E. classes.
The meaning of gym that we`ll be looking at today is the place where adults pay to work out (we don`t usually use the word exercise when people are at a gym).
今日はタイトル通り「Hit the Gym」「ジムに行く」お話しをしてみようと思います。先ず、英語でgymという場合、二つの意味があることを覚えておきましょう。
そして今回お話しする、work out (ワークアウトする)フィットネスジムのことです。
*Gymで運動する場合exercise(エクササイズ)という言葉は使いません。Work out(ワークアウト)といいます。
There are lots of things to do at a gym. When people work out at a gym they usually do cardio or strength training (or both).
Cardio is short for cardiovascular, which is an adjective meaning related to the heart.
So when people do cardio they are doing things that gets their heart beating faster. Strength training is focused on building and toning muscles.
有酸素運動(cardio)または、筋力トレーニング(strength training)です。(もしくはその両方)
Cardioとだけ言う場合もありますし、cardio exerciseとも言います。
There are many ways of doing cardio at the gym.
Swimming is a popular way to do cardio and it is low impact, meaning gentle to your body.
Another popular way to do cardio is by taking an aerobics class.
There are also many cardio machines that you can use: you can run on a treadmill or use a stairclimber.
Cycling is also a good cardio work out, and at the gym the machine you use is called a stationary bike. Stationary just means not moving.
スイミングがその代表的なものでlow impact to your body-つまり体に負荷のかかりにくい運動ということですね。
・Stationary bike―自転車マシン
There are also many ways to do strength training. In the picture above there are two dumbbells. If you have a longer, heavier bar that you use with both hands we call it a “barbell”.
We collectively call dumbbells and barbells “free weights”.
The other way to do strength training at a gym is with the machines designed for strength training. People usually refer to these simply as “the machines.”
After your work out you can “hit the showers,” another slang expression people use at gyms meaning “take a shower.”
ダンベルとバーベルはfree weightsフリーウェイトと呼びます。
他には筋トレマシンを使う方法があります。これらのマシンはシンプルに「the machines」と呼びます。
さあ、work outの後には何をしましょう?
良い汗をかきましたね。そうです。Hit the showers-シャワーを浴びます。
Hit the gymと同じジム用語です。普通シャワーを浴びるときはTake a shower ですね。
Come to think of it, I haven`t hit the gym in a long time. Maybe I should start working out again.
ここまで書いてきて、僕はなんて長いことジムに行っていないんだろうと思いました。そろそろ暇を見つけてwork outを再開させる時期かもしれません。