I have a friend who is quite fluent in Japanese, and the other day he was over at my house and we were playing with my son. As his Japanese is much better than mine,
I was a little surprised that he had never heard 「いないいない。。。ばあ!」before.
When I thought about it more, it really isn’t so surprising, as that`s not the kind of thing that you can find in a dictionary, and it is certainly not something that they teach you in Japanese class.
I think the situation is exactly the same for people learning English as a second language, so I thought I would dedicate this blog to baby/little kid words.
Peekaboo!—“Peekaboo!” is what we say in English for いないいない。。。ばあ!However, we say Peekaboo! all at once, instead of pausing at the end like you do in Japanese.
Gimme Gimme -ちょうだいちょうだい
日本で「ありがとう」と「ごめんなさい」を言えるようにしつけるのと同じです。でも現実的には子どもがいつも「Please-?」と丁寧に大人や友達に尋ねるなどというのは夢物語で、待ち切れず「Gimme Gimme」ギミギミ(ギブミーギブミーが短くなっています)
アメリカのパンクバンドで「Me First Gimme Gimme」という名前のバンドがあります。「自分が先!ちょうだいちょうだい!」という意味です。
Gimme Gimme—As parents we want our children to be polite and kind, always saying “please” if they want something. The reality, as we know, can be very different, and when children are impatient and want something they often say “gimme gimme.”
The great American punk band Me First and the Gimme Gimmes named themselves after this phrase for comical effect.
Naughty/Cheeky—We use “naughty” (American English) or “cheeky” (British English) when children are behaving badly.
There are many Christmas songs that use“naughty” because Santa has a big list of all of the children of the world.
If they have been nice during that given year then they get presents. If they have been naughty then they don`t get any presents! Parents often use this threat of no presents to their advantage during the Christmas season.
Scribble Scratch-なぐり描き
幼い子どもが紙いっぱいに大きな円を描いたものをScribble scratchといいます。ちゃんとした絵が描けるようになる前のなぐり書きのようなもののことです。
Scribble Scratch—It takes children a long time to learn how to color and draw correctly. If a child takes a crayon and draws all over the paper with no apperent direction we call it “scribble scratch” in English.
「Really good.」「Great.」「Delicious.」等を使いましょう。
Yummy—I often tell my wife that I could have a very successful career in Japanese television if I could learn to say 「うまい!」really well. When something tastes good there are many ways that you can express this in English. However, children almost always say “yummy.”
This sounds very unnatural when adults say it though. For adults it is better to say “really good,” “great” or “delicious.”
I hope you will be nice to me and tell me that you enjoyed this blog. If not then Santa won`t bring you any presents this Christmas!
See you soon!