One of my son`s favorite books right now is Hand,Hand,Fingers,Thumb. I`m pretty sure that he likes the book because he likes monkeys, but it is a good book for children to introduce rhythm and body parts.
Do you know all of the finger words in English? Let`s start with your thumb (親指). Next to the thumb is your pointer finger (人差し指) also sometimes called your index finger. The finger in the middle is called—you guessed it—your middle finger (中指). When people get married they put a ring on the left hand of your ring finger (薬指). The last finger is called your pinky (小指). We have a special tradition in Western countries called the “pinky swear.” Usually done by children, you lock together both of your pinkies and make a special promise.
Pinky is also used to talk about toes. The only other toe that we usually name in English is the big toe (足の親指). Did you know that there are two words for 足 in English? The part above the ankle is called your leg, and the part below the ankle is called your foot.
English also has a lot of special words when we talk about animals. For example, with most animals we don`t say the words hand or foot, we say paw. Some animals, such as cows, pigs and sheep, have a thick, hard body part on the bottom of their legs. We call this a hoof.
Anyways, I hope that you enjoy Hand,Hand,Fingers,Thumb. Like my son, I found that I enjoyed it because I like monkeys.
Hand Hand Fingers,Thmb
今私の息子が大好きで読んでいる本がこれ。Hand Hand Fingers,Thumb です。
親指の隣「人差し指」は「pointer finger」。
「中指」手の真ん中にあるこの指―お察しの通りこれは「middle finger」。
結婚指輪をはめる左手の「薬指」これは「ring finger」最後の「小指」は「pinky」。
西洋では「pinky swear」という特別な表現があります。
Pinky という単語は足の小指を表す時にも使います。
足の親指は「big toe」ですが他の指には特別な名前はありません。
あなたも是非一度「Hand Hand Fingers Thumb」を読んでみてください。